Saturday, July 17, 2010

Alive and Kickin' lobsters!

So I went with my mom to Alive and Kickin' lobsters, it was the best lobster sandwich I have ever had, my sandwich appeared to be nothing but knuckle meat and man was it sweet. This place is located on 269 Putnam Ave. Cambridge, MA 02139. The price was $13.95 for the sandwich and a bag of chips. Soda's were extra and I have no idea how much they were. I went with the cream soda though, and it was up there with one of the best ones I have ever had.

This is the front, also if you notice the open sign was not on. For a moment I was very bummed out thinking that I missed out on my chance. There is parking right behind where I was sitting but there is only 4 spots.

Here is my dear old mom hanging out on the picnic tables that they save set up to the right side of the place. It was very nice and shaded but you are totally in someones backyard. The store was a garage that was falling down 25 years ago according to the owner and they fixed it up and have been selling fish ever since, it was only recently that they added the lobster sandwich and boy am I glad they did.

Here is the sandwich perfectly toasted with a bag of Cape Cod kettle cooked potato chips. Man I am getting hungry just thinking about it.

Here is a picture of the sandwich it had the perfect amount of mayo in it. And once again it was the sweetest lobster I have ever had!

Here is the soda, one of the best I have ever had!

One last thing I decided to by some oysters and some little necks to throw on the grill for me and my mom before we cook off, they are priced individually $1.25 for the oysters and I can't remember how much the little necks were, but I got a half dozen of each and when I got home I realized that they had thrown in a few extra of each. I give this place 5 stars! mostly because I love informal dinning that is also extremely high quality. The owner and his wife are extremely gracious and I can't wait till I can go back!

Hurry go get one before you know it summer will be over!

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